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Health benefits of lauki juice

Bottle gourd or lauki has numerous medicinal benefits. It is rich in iron and also contains vitamins C and B complex, including sodium and potassium. Lauki is low in calories and fat, high in dietary fibre.The vegetable is beneficial for hypersensitive people, digestive disorders and diabetics. Due to its high water content, it has a cooling effect on our body. The cooked lauki is diuretic and easy to digest; effective against constipation. Bottle gourd is being used in treating urinary disorders lie burning sensation in urinary passage due to high acidic urine. Also lauki juice has the potential for breaking stones in the body.

Lauki is very effective in balancing liver function and is helpful to treat inflamed liver .Lauki juice also prevents premature graying hair by consuming daily in the early morning, nervous diseases and is beneficial as a medicine for insomnia. Bottle gourd juice is useful in treating insanity, epilepsy and other nervous diseases. It is well known for the treatment of blood pressure and heart diseases and alleviates bronchitis, asthma and cough. Lauki juice gives relief to excessive thirst due to severe diarrhea, diabetes and extreme use of fried foods. Further, a glass of lauki juice everyday helps in curing hair fall and baldness. It also creates radiant skin and prevents acne and other breakouts on skin.Moreover, lauki juice with a pinch of black pepper helps in losing weight.So, include lauki juice in your daily plan to have the numerous health benefits.

Take care of your liver

The liver is the largest single gland in the body.If there is any damage to the liver, then there can be serious complications, such as constipation, chronic gastritis, morning sickness, problems, etc. with the liver could be jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatomegaly i.e. enlarged liver, all which are potentially fatal diseases. Therefore it is very important to properly care for the liver. Following are some tips to improve the health of your liver:

• Drink lemon juice as it helps the liver detoxify quickly

• Neem has cleansing properties and reduces level of toxins in the liver. It can also control the excessive secretion of bile.

• Karela or bitter lemon is used for detoxification, blood purification and liver care. It helps to treat indigestion, liver dysfunction, and jaundice.

• Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol as it results in the formation of toxic substances.

• Drink a combination of vegetable juice like spinach and carrot. It also helps in detoxification of the liver.

Secret of long healthy hair

Long hair is a dream of all women and young girls. Natural remedies can make hair healthy and long. Below are some beneficial tips for How to get long healthy hair.

• Drink coconut water at least twice a week as it is a miracle ingredient for your hair

• Eat well balanced meals rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C.

• Apply a hair mask of egg, castor and vinegar.

• Mix coconut oil and few table spoons of gooseberry juice .Gently massage your hair.

• Cashew nuts are very nutritious for hair
Also, dont use clips that pull hair from scalp and use wide-toothed combs. You can also take multi-vitamins to grow long hair.

This article has been written and posted by a health advisor working at bookmydoctor.com
references : lauki juice

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